Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Wanko Soba Eating Competition

On Monday night Sara and I attended the wanko soba competition. Soba is a type of noodle that tastes pretty delicious (the first thousand, anyway), and wanko soba is sitting at a restaurant and eating bowl after bowl after bowl. If you eat more than 100 bowls, you get a little wooden plaque.

This was, technically speaking, the SICE farewell party. SICE is the program that Earlham College runs here that I attended three years ago. When I was on SICE, I ate 145 bowls, the top for the evening.

Well, I am happy to say this year I won again, setting a new personal best of 161 bowls. Carl's record from last year, however-- over 200 bowls-- remains utterly amazing.

The all time record, however, was just set this summer by a 24 year old woman (that's all I know)-- over 500 bowls.

Sara ate a quite respectable 100 bowls. Two days later, I think we're both still reaping the consequences.

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